February 12, 2024

How Can I Check Whether An Engineer Is Qualified To Carry Out A Gas Safety Check?

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Do you know a third of Brits don’t check if the gas engineer working in their homes is doing so legally? Did you ever do that too? 

Of course, it’s your legal obligation to perform regular gas checks on your property. But it does not mean you find any person labeled as a gas engineer on the street and bring them home to do such a risky task. Because if the wrong hands are checking your gas appliances, it’s no less than a disaster.

A qualified engineer should perform a gas inspection. But how do you know if the person inspecting your property is qualified? That’s why we are here to answer this question. Let's discuss finding a safe and qualified gas engineer for gas inspection.

Why Do You Need A Qualified Engineer?

According to the Gas Safe Register, 1.1 million gas jobs are performed by illegal gas engineers. How can a person who does not even know what he is doing can ensure your safety? Let alone proper inspection, they can pose a huge risk to your property.

Gas Safe Register has reported some cases where appliances checked by illegal engineers were so dangerous that they had to be disconnected immediately. 

In contrast, qualified engineers have enough expertise to perform comprehensive checks. Besides, they suggest appropriate actions on your property with complete safety in place.

In addition, if you are planning to carry out annual gas safety checks to renew your gas safety certificate, you can only hire a qualified gas-safe registered engineer. 

What is a Gas Safe Register?

Gas Safe Register is an official registration body for gas businesses and engineers. All the engineers on the list are trained and qualified to perform the job.  Currently, there are around 140,000 gas-safe registered engineers in the UK.

Note that this regulatory body does not employ any engineers. It is a list of engineers permitted to perform gas-related jobs in the UK after required training and assessment. Here are some advantages of choosing a gas-safe registered engineer:

  • Gas work in your home will be legal as a licensed engineer is doing it.
  • If anything goes wrong, you will be eligible for the insurance or warranty if they are in place. An unregistered engineer can render your insurance coverage invalid. 
  • You will get peace of mind that safe hands are doing the work.

Checking Your Gas Engineer

If your engineer says that “I am qualified,” they must be on the Gas Safe Register. If they are not, they are not legally permitted to perform any gas-related work. But how do you check them on the Safe Safe Register? It’s pretty simple. 

  • Check Their ID

Engineers are licensed once they meet certain criteria. This licence number is written on their ID cards with other details. So, when an engineer visits your property, don’t hesitate to ask them about their ID cards.

  • If they do not carry their ID, postpone the work until they show you one. 
  • This ID card must contain their license number, pictures, expiry date, and other details confirming their job qualification. 

Additionally, gas engineers are qualified for some specified gas-related work. Therefore, you must also ensure they are qualified for the job you have hired. For instance, if you are planning to carry out a gas boiler inspection, make sure it’s in the list of tasks they are qualified to perform (written on the back side of the ID).

  • Check Gas Safe Register Website

In a world where everything can be replicated, why can’t these ID cards? Who knows if your engineer is carrying a fake ID? Therefore, it’s necessary to check them on the Gas Safe Register. For that, you need that 7-digit unique licence number. Go to the “Gas Safe Register website” and click on the 'Check an Engineer' service. Now put the licence number and see if they are on the list.

  • Text on 85080

Alternatively, you can check your engineer is registered by messaging  Gas and the engineer’s licence number to 85080.  You will soon receive a text message confirming if this licence number is registered. 

What To Look for in a Gas Safe ID Card?

Gas safety engineer

Of course, you need their unique licence number to confirm their qualification, but that’s not enough. Look out to both sides of the card and spot the following information:

  • Match the face of the engineer with the picture.
  • Check the issuance and expiration date.
  • Cross-check the licence number on the Gas Safe Register website.
  • Ensure the card has the Gas Safety security hologram
  • Ensure they work for the business you have hired
  • Check the list of work they are qualified for.

How to Check if the Business is Gas Safe?

If you are hiring an engineer from a reliable business, they must be registered with the Gas Safe register. To confirm that, again go to the official website of the gas safe register and enter the business’s registration number or trading name in the search bar. It will appear in the search results if they are registered. 

Alternatively, you can text Gas and the business registration number to 85080. Soon, you will receive a text message confirming if the business is registered. 

If you do not know their registration number or trading name, or if they do not return in the search results, you can email them to register@gassaferegister.co.uk.

Gas-safe registers will help you confirm the registration status of the business for you. 

Key Takeaways

The adage "better safe than sorry" rings truer than ever regarding gas safety. Verifying an engineer's qualifications is not just a formality; it's a crucial step in safeguarding your home and loved ones.

Gas safety checks should be entrusted only to those who have undergone rigorous training, possess the necessary certifications, and adhere to the highest standards of professionalism. 

So, always ensure your engineer is gas-safe registered and has the requisite experience to perform a specific gas-related job. By taking these steps, you're not just checking boxes; you're actively contributing to a safer living environment for yourself and those around you.

In addition, the peace of mind that comes with knowing your gas safety check is in the hands of a qualified professional is priceless. It's an investment in the well-being of your home, and there's no substitute for the security that comes with a job done right.

Ready to ensure a home full of safety and comfort? Don't let your peace of mind go up in smoke. Contact us today for certified gas safety experts!

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